PHP , who does not know about this awesome programming language. Well its scripting language used for web application. The All time favourite , your dear Facebook is developed by Mark on the basis of PHP.If yo want to learn php and searching for the top most or top famous php ide the you at a right place. Well we have collected all time top famous php ide for php developers and programmers.No matter if you are beginner or developer ,you can directly use any of them best php ide listed below for windows,linux and mac.

Here you go. We have collected best php ide for windows ,linux and mac. The detailed information about these top best php ides is given with their site links. So you can directly go there and get your desired php ide fast.

List of top best php ide

1. Phpstorm

So it’s at first position! it is obvious that it is the best php ide. Well it deserve this place because it includes all the features which any php developer needs. It is the most php ide for all time.Well it is not free. You may be surprised! but yes its not free. You will get free trial period of 30 days. After that trial period you have to spend some $$ on that. It supports most of PHP frameworks which any php programmer wants.You will get every php version update for it. Currently it have PHP version 5.6 .

Which features PHPSTORM includes

Well it basically includes PHPDoc supports, code compilation and code formatting. It also includes code rearranger. It is available for windows,linux and mac operating system.  Go to PHPSTORM ide for php.

2. Sublime Text

 Well people like simple and sweet things ,right? Yes i am. So sublime text ide is the second most famous and best php ide for programmers.There is syntax highlighter available in it ,you can easily understand the structure of your php document.It have some basic and advance frameworks for Hypertext preprocessor language. Here you don’t need to worry about price. Because it’s free. So we can say that it is the top most famous free php ide.

What features are available in it

Well you will get all the latest features like split editing,multiple selection,easy navigation etc etc. Well it’s available for windows ,Mac os x and linux operating system. The best advantage of it that its free. We always like free things 😉 . Go to SublimeText ide

3. NetBeans

It is the top famous php ide for all operating system. It is the complete php ide which all php developers want.Well you need to write sometimes html,css and javascript codes while making any php application. You can easily go through html ,css and javascript from this awesome php ide. NetBeans php ide is user friendly, you can easily get ideas about how to use it properly while working on it first time

Advantages of NetBeans php ide

Well the best advantage is that it’s user friendly. You should use it because most of the programming languages programs are developed by NetBeans ide only.So you will get the basic idea from it.Includes all the latest frameworks for php. Well its also available for windows,mac and linux. Its best free php compiler on the users point of view. Go to NetBeans PHP ide

4. Zend Sudio 12

ZendStudio is the most famous and top php ide which supports basic level and advance level php frameworks. You can easily develop your php application and track the working mode in real time. Yes its the main advantage for this php ide. You can easily target your php projects in it.

 It is available for windows,Mac and Linux operating system . You should try this best php compiler for Programmers. Go to ZEND STUDIO PHP ide

5. Php designer

Well the name suggest itself. It is the basic notepad++ type php ide.But the main advantage of it that it has directly inbuilt browser so you can directly run your php application in it. These is simple syntax highlighter which  easily describes the php data structure of the document

Its available free for windows,linux and Mac operating system. Go to PHP deigner ide

6. Aptana

It is also most famous php ide for all operating system.You can directly run your php application from it. It is freely available famous php ide. Do use it. I have used it, its simple but useful and works great.
Go to Aptana PHP ide

7. Notepad++

Well who doesn’t know about this sweet ide. Well i am saying it to sweet because it’s contain almost every programming language libraries and you can easily write your programming codes by specifying programming language. Currently i am using this. It have special syntax highlighter which works like a charm .I am sure you all have this ide in your system .If not then go to Notepad++ ide for php. Its free and available for all famous operating systems.
Go to notepad++ php ide

So friends, i hope you like this post of top php ide for windows,linux and Mac. These all are best php ide. Share it with your friends and do like our facebook fan page. Enjoy php.

By jigar

2 thoughts on “Top 7 best php ide for windows/linux/mac”
  1. As seen on "Sublime Text may be downloaded and evaluated for free, however a license must be purchased for continued use."

    So how can you say it is free, just after having said that PHPStorm is not free? Both of them have a free evaluation period and both require a licence to be paid for.

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