Hello learners.. Exception handling is the essential part of Java or we can say for every programming language. Yet if you are not aware about the basics of exception handling then you should have to get the required knowledge about exception handling.

What do you mean by exception?

An exception is an abnormal condition that arises in a code sequence at run time. In simple words an exception is a runtime error. Java exception is one type of error in a condition that occurs in any block of code during execution. Exception handling is done in two ways
1. With Java runtime itself
2. With user’s code

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Suppose you have made one program that divides one number by another number. But an exception occurs when we divide a particular number by zero. You all know it is not possible to divide any number by zero. So at that time we had to write the code of exception handling to handle Java run time error.

Let’s see what happen in the above situation and how Java run time  handle the situation
Example of default exception handling in Java


class exc1{
public static void main(String args[]){
int a=0;

int k=100/a;

System.out.println(“Will not execute”);


Exception message by JRE

java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero at exc1.main(Exc1.java:5)

Why this happened??

Because you all know that it is not possible to divide any number by zero. The program will compile easily and at runtime JRE automatically gives message to system of Arithmetic exception. There are some inbuilt exception in Java that are handled by the system itself..

Introduction to try, catch, and throw with basic guide and example

1. Try

Try block contains the statements that will lead to errors in run time.
The syntax is
There must be try block in exception handling in Java

2. Catch

The catch block in exception handling is necessary as a pair of try block in Java. The catch block is used to catch the statements that lead to exception .Syntax of the catch is
catch(Exception object)
It is possible that one try block has multiple catch blocks. But there must be at least one catch block per try block.

3. Throw

It is used to throw an exception inside the try block. So that catch statement easily catches the exception in Java.
it can be declared by
throw new exception(name);
Lets take a look at program of try-catch exception handling in java


class exc2{
public static void main(String args[]){
int a=0;
try    //Starting of try block
int k=100/a;

System.out.println(“Will not execute”);   //This will not be executed
catch(ArithmeticException obj)  //Starting of catch block
                                 //Arithmetic exception type object  
System.out.println(“Caught: “+obj); //will display exception defined by system


Caught:java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero at exc1.main(Exc2.java:6)


Here inbuilt ArithmeticException is used by user inside try and catch block. The condition which leads to error at run time is written inside try block, whereas there is one catch statement which is able to catch ArithmeticException .We must have to declare the object of it. Note that if you not specify an exception type,then the system will find it default.

Example of a throw block in exception handling in Java


class exth1{
public static void main(String args[]){
try  //try block 
throw new ArithmeticException(“xyz”);     //will throw arithmetic exception named xyz
catch(ArithmeticException e) //Will catch arithmetic exception
System.out.println(“There is : “+e);    //Prints the result


There is java.lang.ArithmeticException:xyz


There is throw block inside the try block. Here we have defined ArithmeticException using new operator. There is the catch statement which handles that exception. The output, which will you get after execution is there as above.
Also read :- Interface in java
So this is all about exception handling in Java. This tutorial will clear your basic concepts about exception handling in Java. The much more advanced guide about exception handling will be in the next tutorial. So stay connected.

By jigar

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