Hello readers today I m coming with new post about online programming forums. In programming field is essential that our programs run error free. But sometime it

sticks and we can’t able to get the exact solution. Because of our small mistakes our program does not perform very well. So it is necessary to develop good knowledge via useful sources. The best way to find solution of program errors or logic is Google. There are infinite numbers of sources available online through which we can easily find our solution. So in this post i have listed some programming forums that can actually help you. There is large number of developers available online to help each other to solve queries

Why you need to visit forums?

Do you have any idea about above question?
There is large community of developers or programmers in forums. As you all know sharing knowledge is good way to prepare your
self. So in forums, number of peoples are there to share their knowledge with you. You can easily post your problem and they will defiantly help you. So t is good practice
to visiting some special forums to analyze or to get solution of your query

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Special advantages to visit programming or coding forums

  • Most of the forums are free so you can easily post your query and get solution
  • You can post query at any time
  • You can get more knowledge easily
  • You can get many solutions for one query

Here I have listed all the top listed coding forums that will help you

List of forums

(Please note that i have given link,so you can copy that link and search it on internet directly.)

#1. Stack Overflow: The best ever forum to discuss your programming query.
link: http://stackoverflow.com/
#2. Dev Shed: It is most popular for discussing programming solution
Link: http://forums.devshed.com/

#3. Dani Web: Dani web is also one type of forum like stack overflow
Link: http://www.daniweb.com/

#4. Code Project: There are so many developers inside this community. The query related projects can be discussed here.
Link: http://www.codeproject.com/

#5. Coding Forums: Get your coding related solution here by visiting this forum
Link: http://www.codingforums.com/

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#6. Dream In Code: Another superb forum to get solution
Link: http://www.dreamincode.net/forums/forum/ 

#7. Programming Forums: As name suggest itself, Forum for programmers
Link: http://www.programmingforums.org/

#8. Code Guru: This forum is specially designed for high level developers
Link: http://www.codeguru.com/

#9. Programming Heaven: Get your solution speedily by posting coding queries
Link: http://www.programmersheaven.com/

#10. Code Call: Another top listed forum for coders
Link: http://forum.codecall.net/

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This is the list of top forums about programming .You can get good solution via this.Hope this will help you for getting your programming solutions.

By jigar

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