Hello guys,today i am here to cover up very basic but important points. It’s all about difference between c and c++ . Well you all know about c and c++ . Both are basic programming language,although c++ is superset of c language. Both are unique but there are some difference between c and c++ which must be known by you if you are a programmer. So let’s have a closer look with difference between c and c++ . C vs C++ !

C programming language was founded in 1972 by Dannish ritchie and C++ language was founded in 1983 by Bjarne Stroustrup . One is procedure oriented programming language whereas another is object oriented programming language. Lets have a deep look at difference between c and c++ .

C language
C++ language
C is a structural or procedural oriented programming language.(top down)
C++ is an object oriented programming language. (bottom up)
C program file is saved with .C extension.
C++ program file is saved with .CPP extension.
C follows top down approach.
C++ follows bottom up approach
In C, the data is not secured.
Data is hidden and can’t be accessed by external functions.
C uses scanf() and printf() function for standard input and output.
Stdio.h header file used
C++ uses cin>> and cout<< for standard input and output.
Conio.h header file used
Emphasis is on procedure or steps to solve any problem.
Emphasis is on objects rather than procedure.
Functions are the fundamental building blocks.
Objects are the fundamental building blocks.
In C, namespace feature is absent.
In C++, namespace feature is present.
C is a middle level language.
C++ is a high level language.
Programs are divided into modules and functions.
Programs are divided into classes and functions.
C doesn’t support exception handling directly. Can be done by using some other functions.
C++ supports exception handling. Done by using try and catch block.
Features like function overloading and operator overloading is not present.
C++ supports function overloading and operator overloading.
Variables must be defined at the beginning in the function.
Variables can be defined anywhere in the function.

So this is all about basic difference between c and c++ . If you find any incorrect point in c vs c++ difference than mention in comment. Hope you like this notes for difference between c and c++

By jigar

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