Here we will provide you a list of sites that teaches you html and css online

  • Tutorials point: It provides you great stuff about html and css from basic level,It also have try and compile option that let you check your program online.
  •  Codecadamy: It is the best site to learn programming in html and css by self practice online.It just require simple registration .After it you easily start your course.

  • W3 school: It provides you tutorials,reference and much more.There is also online compiler from which you directly examine that how your code works exactly.
  • This site will provide you good stuff about html and css 
  • Html Dog:It contains all html-html5 tags and css attributes .It  provides all examples of different html and css tags

(Note that the the name of sites that you can search directly on google. Here we have not provided the link)

By jigar

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